
Benefits of bovine ultrasound for veterinarians and producers


At IMV Technologies, it is our goal to provide you, our customers, with the highest quality ultrasound equipment to make your job easier. Our Easi-Scan is manufactured in house and is an excellent piece of kit for detecting pregnancy in cattle. However, there are lots of other benefits of ultrasound that are achievable with the Easi-Scan!

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Check out our long list of benefits that the Easi-Scan offers;

  • Early and accurate pregnancy detection compared with manual palpation
  • Thorough assessment of fetal viability
  • Detection of ovarian activity and structures, follicles, corpora lutea, cysts etc.
  • Detection of uterine pathology, endometritis, pyometra
  • Fetal sexing
  • Non-reproductive uses, ‘lumps and bumps’ such as haematomata or abscesses, checking the udders and teats, eyes, musculoskeletal system, lungs etc.
  • Ovum Pickup (OPU)
  • Fetal ageing, both early and late gestation
  • Twin diagnosis
  • Synchronisation for embryo transfer (N.B. see detection of ovarian activity)
  • Assessing embryonic/fetal loss
  • Increased speed for experienced users.

All of these factors improve efficiency and in turn, benefit the operations of your business as a whole. Ultrasound can not only improve the quality of your work but can also cut your costs if you take care of it and know how to use it to the best of it’s ability.

Our goal is to help you find the right piece of equipment for your business and support you in getting the most out of that product. We have a wealth of learning materials online, including clinical images and articles that you can download and save in our new area of the website, MyBCF. We are also now offering our bovine ultrasound training courses to international vets that you can get signed up to!

Benefits of bovine 1

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